Figure 6 – The front of the eight-dollar note of the second series. With the albatross replacing the map of the Chatham Islands (see Figure 1), this pattern was used for the front of all notes in the second series. |
Figure 7 – The back of the 3-dollar note of the second series has the theme of ‘Horse Racing’ and the illustration is of the Chatham Islands Jockey Club. Woytek’s Fool appears at the right. |
Figure 8 – The back of the 5-dollar note has a theme of ‘The Ancestors’ and people from an earlier age are depicted on the notes. Woytek’s Generations is at the right. |
Figure 9 – The back of the 8-dollar note has a theme of ‘Center – The Message’. Woytek’s four sculptures are depicted in a new dawn and a map of the Chatham Islands is at the right. Two sets of text are on the note: at the top left is ‘A new dawn with the Spring Sympony & Guardians of Mt. Hakepa, Pitt Island’ and at the bottom left is ‘Caring for each other and our world’. |
Figure 10 – The 10-dollar note has a theme of ‘Wrestler’ and two portraits of ‘Abe Jacobs, World Champion Wrestler’ are used to illustrate the back of this note. Woytek’s Warrior is at the right. |
Figure 11 – The 15-dollar note has a theme of ‘Flying Boat’ and an illustration of a ‘Short Sunderland’ Flying Boat dominates the back. Woytek’s Astronomer is at the right. |